Program Kalkulator Bahasa C
Kebanyakan orang tentu pernah menggunakan kalkulator untuk membantu memudahkan dalam menghitung. Kita juga mungkin pernah menjumpai penjual pada toko-toko yang masih menggunakan kalkulator sebagai alat bantu hitung. Hal ini yang menyebabkan, terdapat orang yang mencoba untuk membuat program kalkulator menggunakan software gratis maupun berbayar. Pembuatan program kalkulator bisa di sebabkan karena tugas kampus maupun karena ingin mengembangkan program untuk keperluan pribadi. Untuk membantu Anda memberikan inspirasi tambahan dalam pembuatan program kalkulator, berikut ini akan Kami jelaskan cara membuat program kalkulator menggunakan bahasa pemrograman C.
. perhatikan tampilannnya, disitu terdapat perintah pemilihan serta pengulangan.
perintah pemilahan ada dua opsi, yaitu pilihan pertama dengan perintah if else dan else if. Serta pilihan yang kedua yaitu dengan menggunakan perinatah switch case. Disini saya menggunakan perintah switch case, karena pada program kalkulator sederhana ini menggunakan pilihan tanpa adanyan kondisi sifat,. perintah dasar selanjutnya yaitu adanya pengulangan, sebenarnya perintah pengulangan itu sendiri terdapat beberapa macam perintah, contohnya: for, do while, repeat, namun kali ini saya menggunakan perintah do while,.
jika sudah paham kita lanjutkan dengan mengetik kodingan di text editor. oh yah tipe data pada program kalkulator sederhana ini menggunakan tipe data float(bilangan pecahan) dan integer (bilangan bulat).

sedikit tips dari saya jika ingin mengoding usahakan file tersebut telah disimpan terlebih dahulu dengan file extensi (.c) sehingga memudahkan kita dalam membuat sebuah kodingan. lanjut guys setelah disimpan kita kompailer di terminal dengan perintah: gcc -o (namakode) (namafile.c) contoh: gcc -o asik(terserah) cobauts.c. kemudian di eksekusi dengan perintah:./asik(namakode). ini tampilannya jika berhasil.
Halyang paling umum terjadi adalah, saat printer dinyalakan lampu green nyalapenuh (baca=normal) tanpa berkedip. Namun kemudian ketika dipakai untuk printbaru berkedip dan disertai jendela peringatan di layar monitor Anda sepertiilustrasi di bawah ini, berarti Printer melaporkan bahwa tinta Cartridge Andadiduga telah habis. Kasus ini hanya terjadi setelah pemasangan cartridge baruatau pengisian ulang dengan cartridge original. Penghitungan waktu habisnyatinta ini didasarkan pada jumlah pemakaian printer dan proses maintenance(cleaning dan deep-cleaning) yang telah dilakukan. Jadi terkadang pelaporanbahwa tinta printer telah habis tidak selalu sama dengan kondisi riil. Apalagijika Printer Anda telah menggunakan infus tinta.
Untukmengatasinya bongkar printer tersebut casing / body plastic. Perhatikanbaut/skrup yang mengunci casing, dan periksa apakah ada barang yang menyangkutdidalamnya jika ada ambil dan pasang kembali, Jika tidak berarti As ( karetpenarik kertas ) patah / putus, As tersebut terbuat dari plastik. Untukmembukanya Perhatikan juga klemnya yang tebuat dari plastic, jika anda congkelperlahan-lahan dengan Obeng. Hati-hati jangan sampai patah. Sesudah casing/bodyplastic dilepas akan terlihat karet penarik kertas beserta plastiknya,lalu buka skrup sensor kertas.
Jangan lupa melapaskan Per penekan kertas. Most Muslims simply say 'FAITH', but did not prove by deeds.
If deepen the term 'FAITH', means must be steeped in whose name Aqeedah. But, all of that there is a process to be depth. Knowledge is known by an adult, would have been different with the knowledge of the children. Hence, to gain more knowledge, there is a process that must be followed. Talking about faith, then it will relate to worship.
Worship that a person will become the benchmark faith. That faith has many branches and levels. And worship the various divisions as well.
We realize that studying science is a form of worship. Because science is sunnatullah. In the holy book the news paper, many verses that explain and summon people to learn about the universe and its contents.
As a child of Science, in particular physics, (author) feel proud to depth. Although many people who say that the study of physics was less work. And said some people, Science as an exact science, could not have evolved. The reason is an exact science, they just stick with existing theories.
He said could not argue, because existing theoretical foundation. If we look at what we have now, then that opinion is wrong.
Program Kalkulator Bahasa Client
The proof, over the times, the science of science is growing and always find new things fit in the universe. We can see the current technological developments. It's all the brainchild of Science.
So, in essence, that science has a very broad scope. By having in-depth knowledge of science, then the man will realize the power of the Creator. Because the real man is very small and limited knowledge. What is needed in Islam is a person who can provide useful knowledge. Useful knowledge here is the science that is able to bring peoplecloser to the One Creator, and also to the knowledge that can bringpositive change. If we look back at the stories of previous events that occur in a particular community. How God clicking doom human beings who are not grateful for what he got.
So, Islam came to solve the problems. The problems in question are not the cause of a people grateful. In this case, it is because of lack of knowledge. Islam came to bring people to read. Not just reading, but also invites people to think by using his wits.
Ulil Albab / people who are intelligent always contemplate the creation of the heavens and the earth. Increasingly explore the science of it, people will feel a little him before the Creator. In modern times, we know the terms of Astronomy. From various studies that have been done, a lot of scientists were amazed by what he found. With astonishment that, they finally accepted the truth of Islam.
Andif we examine the back, turns science is developed and studied today, asuccess that has been achieved early Muslim peoples in the golden age. One of them is the Science of Science and Technology, as described above. Science and technology can be seen from the development. Until now, no scientist Science stating absolute knowledge. They are aware that the knowledge they have, just a bit of what is in the universe.
Therefore, do not be arrogant with the knowledge yag owned. Science is only a surrogate God who will be held accountable later. Then use the knowledge held for useful things in life.
And do not forget the next life.