Gbox Dreambox 500

Si totusi cam subtire, lipsesc chestiile palpitante:P)asa numai ca idee daca tot ne gandim la tuoriale, e asha cum zice blana, exista deja. Ceea ce as vrea eu sa vaz si nu exista, un video tutorial. Ar fi intradevar super:P) si credeti-ma, s-ar renunta la multe dintre posturile astea. Si nu am sa zik cum ca nu am voie pe forum:P).daca totusi se indura cineva, sa isi faca 'screenshoturi ' sau 'home-made video'-uri la desktopul lui.le hostez io:P)si asha cu techsmith codec nu cred ca or fi f mari:P). Nici video tutorialele nu sunt bune, nu sunt mura-n-gura suficient, trebuie creeat un numar verde care o data apelat, iti vine acasa un om si iti seteaza Dreamul, in timp tu ce stai si te uiti.Murangura enough?De ce oare vad numai astfel de posturi pe tot forumul de la prof blana?

Gbox Dreambox 500

Nu vreau sa fiu rautacios, nu vreau sa amintesc ce fel de posturi am gasit prin alte threaduri, nu se merita, dar.Eu inteleg ca atunci cand te pricepi la ceva sa imparti si cu ceilalti. Numai asa, dand ceva, primesti ceva la schimb. Iar daca ai totul, si nu mai iti doresti nimic (se numeste totusi plafonare) cel putin te poti abtine.Oricum cel destept renunta primul. Stiu ca nu am nici o sansa sa se schimbe ceva aici. Mai mult ca sigur ca am sa imi gasesc raspunsurile in alta parte. Nici nu are rost sa mai caut pe acest site.

Mai rau ma enervez. Numai utilizatorii obisnuiti pot sa ajute, asta daca sunt lasati sa o faca de catre cei ce administreaza site-ul. Ma astept sa fie sters postul, contul, totul. Rally championship 2000 sound patch. Iar daca nu se intampla, poate mai exista o sansa.Pentru blana poate era mai simplu sa inchid pagina si sa nu iau atitudine. Dar poate invata ceva de aici. Un profesor asa ar trebui: sa invete el insusi ca sa poata invata pe altii.

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Dar nu sunt eu cel ce tb sa dea lectii. Am un sistem de valori de la care nu pot abdica. Si chiar nu am putut sa ma mai abtin. Imi cer anticipat scuze celorlalti utilizatori si staff-ului pentru off-topic. Puteam sa dau pm lui blana, imi spuneam parerea si atat, dar vreau sa ia si altii atitudine. Daca nu cumva sunt de alta parere. Toti s-au nascut invatati?

Chiar nu se poate raspunde la obiect?Eu ii prpun lui blana sa stearga toate posturile care nu sunt legate de subiect, inclusiv cele ale lui.On-topic: Mie mi se pare acest tutorial bun. Si e buna si ideea cu un tutorial video. Eu am, de ex., un unchi mai in varsta caruia ii place orice e legat de IT si telecomunicatii, dar nu prea se descurca cu engleza. Pe astfel de oameni i-ar ajuta. Si oricum, orice lucru e perfectibil, nu? Chiar daca gbox se pare ca e pe duca.

Problema e ca toata lumea vrea mura in gura iar daca le sugerezi sa citeasca ceva, doar 10 minute, tipa de parca ii arzi cu tigara.Cu plecaciune dar eu nu mai ajut pe nimeni care vad ca nu e interesat. Am ajutat destui care am simtit ca sunt interesati, iar acum unii dintre ei ma ajuta pe mine in alte probleme.P.S.

Nu stii cam multe pentru un user inregistrat luna aceasta, dupa doar 3 posturi? Hmmm.P.P.S Pentru tine sunt inca., nu blana.

Gbox Dreambox 500 Ip

Blana poate peste 1 an sau 2 cand ne cunoastem mai bine.O seara buna.

For instance, there is a key change at the server side. Therefore, a new key will be sent via satellite. The new key will be recognized by the server as soon as it is tuned to the correct TV service. If the remote EMM is enabled, then each client will receive the same update as soon as the client is also set to the same TV service. The client’s box will perform what is called REMM (Remote EMM). By default, this is set to 1.

Example 1 F: user2 pass2 0.1.0 In this example, user1 will only receive the server local card, the server is set to share the local key file, and the remote EMM is disabled. Example 2 F: user1 pass1 3 0 0 In example 2, user 1 can reach the cards 3 hops away from the server, in addition to the server local card; the server is set to forbid access to the local key file; the remote EMM is disabled. Advanced Settings Hops CCcam clients have the possibility to reshare their server connections.

This feature is known as “cascading”, and works really well with CCcam. Let’s see how it works. For instance, we have 4 users or groups where the 1st one is directly linked to the 2nd one, the 2nd one is directly linked to the 3rd one, the 3rd one is directly linked to the 4th one. The “cascading option” enables the 1st user or group to be linked with the 4th. Box1 box2 box3 box4 ^-1 hop-^ ^-2 hops-^ ^-3 hops-^ If box1 receive a key from box4 (procedure known as ECM), this key will go through 3 groups, which are known as HOPS.

In the following example, the client will have access to the server local cards, as well as those located 2 hops further. F: user1 pass1 2 Therefore, if the server is located in box2, box1 will have access to box2 as well as box3 and box4Uphops, local keyfiles and remote EMM setting procedures. F: identifies the username you assign to the client identifies the password you assign to the client allows the client to have access to the server’s other clients cards. If set to 0, then the client will only have access to the server local cards; if set to 1, then the client will have access to the cards at a distance of 1 hop from the server; if set to 2, access will be as far as hop 2, and so on.

Is enables the local key file sharing option. If set to 1, then the server key file is shared; else, if set to 0, it is not shared. However, the client can choose whether to accept this option or not. If the client wishes to receive the server keyfile, then this must be set by adding “yes” in the C: line as follows: C: 12000 user3 pass3 yes If a client does not want to use this option, the C: line will be C: 12000 user3 pass3 no. By default, is set to 1. This option is very useful when there are many groups in the network.In this case, instead of updating the Softcam.key file of each client, it will be enough to update the server only. Enables the remote EMM autoupdate feature.

If it is set to 1, then the user will have access to EMM on the local card, else, if set to 0, the client will not have access. CCcam Tutorial - Some more infos of how to 2How to connect a client to a server: The F line launches the server, whilst the C line launches the client, and this is all you need. Should the client wish to share its subscription cards with the server, then you need to add a C line at the server, and an F line at the client.

Log Diagnostic Should you wish to check whether the connections are working properly, then use the CCcam –dv Telnet command. This option will give you the possibility to check the log and make sure all is ok.It may be useful for beginners to do it with Telnet, and, once experienced, it may also be done using the the automatic script found in the blue panel. This tutorial will help you master the full potential of this excellent CAM. The following tools are required to be able to use the CCcam on your Dreambox: 1) Linux compatible editor, such as Ultraedit32,Notepad or Crimson Editor (freeware) 2) FTP software like FlashFXP 3) A syslog utility like 3csyslog (freeware) 4) A Telnet utility, the Windows integrated tool will do the job Installing CCcam The CCcam archive is composed of 2 files, a bin file and a config file. In the original RAR archive, the authors have saved the Dreambox binary file as CCcam.ppc, whilst the config file is the same as for any version. It is suggested to rename the binary file in CCcam as it will help make the following Telnet procedures easier.

Copy the bin file to /var/bin and set the rights (attributes) to 755. Copy the config file to /var/etc/ We are now ready to check in details how CCcam really works, using the Telnet utility In Windows, Start RUN and type Telnet (or your Dreambox IP number) and click OK Login (root) Now do the following: Type cd /var/bin to go to /var/bin, check whether you are in the correct directory (for Linux ls=dir), check the file colour, the CCcam file should be green. At the prompt, type “CCcam –dv” making sure to match the file name as well as capital letters.

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