Nicomsoft Wifi Manager Serial

SoftAP ( ssid, password, channel, hidden, maxconnection )The first parameter of this function is required, remaining four are optional.Meaning of all parameters is as follows:. ssid - character string containing network SSID (max. 31 characters). password - optional character string with a password. For WPA2-PSK network it should be at least 8 character long.

  1. Nicomsoft Wifi Manager Serial Number

If not specified, the access point will be open for anybody to connect, (max. 63 characters). channel - optional parameter to set Wi-Fi channel, from 1 to 13. Default channel = 1. hidden - optional parameter, if set to true will hide SSID. maxconnection - optional parameter to set max simultaneous connected stations,.

Defaults to 4. Once the max number has been reached, any other station that wants to connect will be forced to wait until an already connected station disconnects.Function will return true or false depending on result of setting the soft-AP.Notes:. The network established by softAP will have default IP address of This address may be changed using softAPConfig (see below). Even though ESP8266 can operate in soft-AP + station mode, it actually has only one hardware channel.


Nicomsoft Wifi Manager Serial Number

Therefore in soft-AP + station mode, the soft-AP channel will default to the number used by station. For more information how this may affect operation of stations connected to ESP8266’s soft-AP, please check on Espressif forum.

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