Write A Program In C Of Binary Search Tree
Previous:.This post is about implementing a binary tree in C using an array. You can visit for the concepts behind binary trees. We will use array representation to make a binary tree in C and then we will implement inorder, preorder and postorder traversals in both the representations and then finish this post by making a function to calculate the height of the tree.We will use the above tree for the array representation. As discussed in the post, the array we will use to represent the above tree will be: 0DAFEBRTGQ00V0JLLet’s start with the first step and make an array.
Binary search tree is a with following properties:. Left sub tree of a node always contains lesser key. Right subtree of a node always contains greater key.

Equal valued keys are not allowedSometime it is also referred as Ordered binary tree or Sorted binary tree.With the aforementioned constraints, Searching gets faster. In best case searching takes Θ(logn), although the worst case leads to Ο(n) when the structure of the tree gets skewed. For eliminating the skewed based structure, further balanced binary search tree comes into the picture.
Write A Program In C Of Binary Search Tree Algorithm
Apart from searching, there are other advantages also such as in traversing, binary search tree is preferred.