Thomson Dictionaries Android

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  2. Thomson Dictionaries Android Free

For more than a century, Black’s Law Dictionary® has been the gold standard for the language of law. Today, it’s the most widely cited law book in the world. By Editor in Chief Bryan A.

Thomson dictionaries android free

Thomson Dictionaries Penetrate

Garner, the 10th Edition is the most comprehensive law dictionary ever published. Ashenol, Good Try, But.So what you have here is simple enough- a digital version of the already indispensable Black's Law Dictionary.

Thomson Dictionaries Android

Functions with ease- searches are a snap, and often feature links to related or alternative terms. The pronunciation guide is exceptionally useful.All said and done, you've got a near five star app that's missing a few features- unfortunately most of them are rather severe oversights for a professional, especially considering this app comes with a $55 price tag. The app possesses absolutely no ability to adjust brightness in app. In darker settings, this app is blindingly white. Most reading oriented apps (Kindle, Nook, iBooks) have long since included such a feature. Physical page numbers for definitions, while not necessary, would be extremely useful for citation.

One piece of extremely crucial information that is omitted from the Black's Law Dictionary product line as a whole, but which could have easily been implemented here is which volume of Black's a given definition originates from. The app doesn't synch bookmarks and history across devices. Not the most pressing issue, but it would have been helpful. On a side note, the app icon is atrocious.

Thomson Dictionaries Android Free

Sally4Short, Had to pay again!I bought the 9th edition of the Black’s and had to repurchase the app entirely when the developer pulled the 9th edition from the App Store. I contacted Apple and they were of no help stating that Apple had no control over the developer pulling the content from the store. I did not follow up with Thompson as I had spent enough time on the issue with Apple. It’s a frustrating issue because had I bought the 9th edition book in print, I still would have access to the content.

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