Mirage Ui
Click on the above image todownloadWe have received quite a few emails asking for graphic help onsomething that is not our original design. The Obsidian cursorcontrols included with RTIs Integration Designer Apex software andthe sizing of the center button vs the outer arrows ring seemed tobe causing some end user issues.
Apparently the arrow keys are beingpressed accidentally as the center button appears quite larger thanthe pressable bounding box for the button itself.With permission, we have created a faithful version of that samecursor that is more balanced with regards to the apparent buttonsizes and touchable areas. The re-design comes in sizes ranging from216 x 216 all the way up to 1296 x 1296 which is large enough forUIs on super high resolution (4K) phones & tablets. Instructions areincluded in the zip file.Click on the above image todownloadMany of our customers liketo use the pre-made source select pages from our templates for the frontend of client meeting or in-store demos to show multi-room capabilities.We decided to create a interactive floor plan with floating / inactivetext over multiple zones that you can re-name to your liking. You can alsouse XP processor flag feedback to 'light up' or reverse the state of aselect zone to simulate that it is currently in use. We even created amonochrome version that is more in line with our new Aleera templates, butyou can mix / match the color and monochrome zone buttons if you only wantto limit your demo to only a few selectable areas. We duplicated the floorplan on the portrait pages if you would like to use it with some of ourother designs. Simply copy and paste the button groups to your projectsand use your imagination.Click on the above image todownloadIntroducing our all newre-designed thermostat & weather collection for RTI Integration Designer.We came up with an original thermostat design that can be adapted to workwith various manufacturers (included project is pre-programmed to workwith the Nest driver by default).
We also decided to change the weatherpages to a new, simpler style. The included project contains two designsfor each resolution that can be merged directly with our Neo RT & Euro RTtemplates.Support includes iPad Retina/ standard (dual orientation), iPhone Retina, KX7 / CX7 & T3X and a newly added resolution forthe T2X remoteOur newest free add-on forIntegration Designerincludes a re-skinned Autonomic Mirage Media Server (MMS-2A & MMS-5A) UIfor use with our Euro and Neo templates. They can be used as a stand aloneproject or you can merge them with your existing projects. All of thedriver commands and variables are pre-programmed, so you can add theMirage UI to our existing templates in seconds.Support for KX7/CX7 & T3X/KX3added for version 1.2Click on the above image todownloadOur free Elements collectioncontains several samples of virtual lighting, 2 way toggles, sliders, andvolume image lists that can be copied and pasted directly into your customprojects. We also offer an Elements collection for purchase which containsa huge selection of virtual lighting / shade controllers, virtual remotesfor streaming devices such as AppleTV, Roku, Amazon Fire and others.
Weincluded dozens of different sized toggles and sliders for three differentresolutions, including stunning HD Retina versions of every graphic fortoday's HD tablet and phone displays.Click on the above image todownload the free collectionRTI has added intercomcapability to the T3x / KX3 & KX7 / CX7 with the release if IntegrationDesigner 9.7. You can use our new plug & play UI to integrate this featurewith our existing templates or use it as a stand alone option. We haveincluded new intercom activity icons to make the integration seamless.Click on the above image todownloadHave a home theater withplenty of surround sound modes? Our updated button collection is nowavailable in both standard and Retina sizes and can be used on a varietyof resolutions. You can use simple text to display the mode title or youcan drag new logos into the same area for a more personal touch. We leftenough room for extra long surround mode names and there are simple squareversions if you would rather create a scrolling list (for RTiPanelprojects only). An pre-made Integration Designer file is included forquick copy & paste to other projects if needed.Click on the above image todownloadWe are happy to re-introduce our WattBox IP virtual display.The WattBox collection is now compatible with our Euro and Neo RTtemplates and comes with a new Retina iPad (dual orientation) option.
Mirage Uni-theater 3-in-1
Aswith all of our collections, the project files are pre-programmed to usethe WattBox device driver, so all you have to do is merge or copy andpaste our graphics to your own projects.Click on the above image todownloadUpdate your RTI and or URCprojectswith our all new AppleTV 4 virtual remotes. We designed a VR for everyresolution, so you can copy & paste them into our templates with perfectalignment or use them with your own designs.
We also added a set ofoptional popup graphics and pre-programmed macro to notify your customersthat the Siri function can only be used with the OEM remote (RTI versionsonly).Click on the above image todownloadWe have just updated ourNuVo wireless UI to include Neo RT support for iPad & Retina & the T3X -KX3 in Euro RTtemplate lineup. These can be used as a stand alone project or imported into aproject file that contains the Neo / Euro RT templates for a perfect match. Wewill be adding additional UIs for Neo very soon.Click on the above image todownload. Meet our all new animation for theater warm up times. Some DLP projectors can take up to a full minute before you can sendcommands for operation. Our new please wait animation is provided asa looping animated GIF in various sizes for UI editors that support them.Wehave also included an RTI project file that utilizes the animationdriver create by Infused. Simply select the animation size andpre-made macro button to show the animation for 10-60 seconds andpaste them into your own project after adding the free driver.
Add atouch of nostalgia to your custom theater pages by using our newfree vintage countdown timer animation with sound. The project file includes severalpopular resolutions (including Retina), so you can simply copy andpaste directly to your own projects. The free animation driver used inour RTI project download was created by Infused of the RTI community andcan be accessed by authorized dealers. Just log in and visitin the official RTI forums for the driver download.Simply mouseover the image to the right for an animation previewWe are excited to re-introduceour incredibly popular customizable theater page splash graphics withupdated styling and stunning Retina HD. We have also added an alternateversion of the Oscar graphic along with a new Legends & Motorama design. The entire collection has beenre-mastered for today's Retina and quad HD displays.
You can simplysuperimpose text in the marquee area in just about any UI or graphics editor topersonalize your client's projects. The file contains various sizes ofeach graphic foruse with popular touch panel resolutions. The splash images aretransparent 32bit PNG and can be used on just about any darker background. TheNixie tube was introduced in the mid 1950s and was used for various types ofdisplays such as missile guidance systems and common grocery storescales. You can even find virtual versions used in modern video gamessuch as Guitar Hero and Bioshock.Wedecided to create a pair of clocks in traditional orange along withan ultraviolet edition for the iPad and iPad Retina. All you need isthe standard RTI clock driver added to your processor and you areready to go. The central dots will display AM / PM.Click on the above image todownloadIntroducing our all newre-skin for the Roku 2 way UI & driver.

Mirage Ui Center
The pre-made pages contain all thecommands & variables, so all you need to do is add a processor and thefree Roku driver to get started. We have designed a custom keyboard andRoku channel preset icons just for this download. All new iPad Retina,Standard iPad, KX7 / CX7 & iPhone5 /6 project added to match the new Neo RT templates.
IPhone and KX7 / CX7 hasbeen added to match the Euro RT templates - updated room / zone icons forstandard & RetinaClick on the above image todownload - updatedto include KX7 / CX7Our new re-skinned Sonos UIallows for simple and easy to use single page integration for iPad / iPadMini in both orientations (portrait and landscape). We also added a secondproject for iPhone / iPod Touch. Just add the Sonos driver to your projector merge pages with an existing project. You will have direct access to 12presets, favorites (scrolling list) and player control.All new iPad Retina, iPhone5 /6 project added to match the new NeoRT templatesClick on the above image todownloadOur new re-skinned VortexBox Virtual Panel is now available for use with RTI Integration Designer.This project file is based off the existing UI, but has been completelyredesigned as a stand alone or companion to our new Euro RT templates.You can download the mostcurrent file here.