Electronic Hide And Seek Game Scrubs

Link playing hide-and-seek with the Stray Fairies in Oracle of AgesDuring the first three days, must burst the balloon in once he obtains the. By doing so, the hide-and-seek minigame will be triggered.

Deku Link must then find all 5 hiding all around. The Bombers can be found hiding in North Clock Town behind a tree and the slide, outside the in, and in, above and the. Once all of them are found, the Bombers will give Deku Link the password to gain entrance to the. Once Link learns the, he can play hide-and-seek once again in his form in order to obtain the.In the, Link can play another game of hide-and-seek with the.

In order to play, Link must give a certain number of to a child so he can access a mini-dungeon. Once Link reaches the end of it, he will find a child waiting in the final room. Link must then give him more masks in order to exit the dungeon. This process must be repeated with each of the four children.

Electronic Hide And Seek Game Scrubs Online

As a result, Link gives away all 20 of his masks and is rewarded with the. Oracle of AgesIn, Link must find three hiding in the in order to gain access to the. Once the hide 'n' seek game starts, the Fairies will rearrange the woods in a different order. If Link takes the wrong path, he will be returned to the screen where he first met the Fairies.

Once all three Fairies are found, the woods will return to normal.The Wind WakerIn, Link can speak to, teacher of the in. By doing so, she will ask Link to help her make the attend to school again. Link must then talk to them just outside the school. The Killer Bees will then challenge him to a hide-and-seek game.

They can be found hiding atop the tallest tree near the island's dock and behind the, gravestone, and a bush at the ledge next to the school. Once all four of them are found, they will reward Link with a.

Electronic game method and system where a hiding player hides objects in a background photograph. The hiding player can move, resize, rotate, crop, shade, and otherwise alter the object to better hide it within the background picture. The hiding player can also bluff by not hiding any new objects.

One or more other players then receive the resulting image and try to select the objects that were not part of the original picture within a set number of tries. The game is played with electronic devices, ideally using smart phones or tablet computers equipped with touch screens and digital cameras. Players can use their own photographs to play the game.

PRIORITY CLAIMApplicants hereby claim benefit of U.S. Provisional patent application 61/704,250, filed Sep. FIELD AND BACKGROUND OF THE INVENTIONThe present invention relates generally to the field of electronic games, and in particular to a hide-and-seek game where players take photographs using mobile devices and try to hide new objects in those photographs.Analyzing paintings and making detailed observations is an art in itself. An observer viewing a work can analyze various aesthetic aspects of the image or work of art including its linear and aerial perspective, the placement of objects, the sense of depth and volume, its use of color (including warmth, range, and saturation), effects of light and shadows, and numerous permutations and combinations of the above. At the same time, an image, scene, or work of art may be analyzed from a more analytical, logical, detail-oriented perspective to try to determine things about the subject of the work and/or about the artist or photographer who created the work. A classic example of the use of logical deductions to analyze a scene is provided by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle's popular character Sherlock Holmes, who frequently used straightforward, practical principles to draw clever inferences based on careful observations. Today, it is not unusual to come across a “photograph” which has been carefully altered or “Photoshopped”® so that is it difficult to know if the picture accurately shows the original scene or not.

People carefully examine photographs that they suspect have been altered to determine their authenticity, looking for subtle clues that something has been added or removed from the original.At the same time, electronic games have gained tremendous popularity in the last several of decades, becoming a major form of entertainment, particularly among children, teenagers and young adults. Over the years simple single-player games have given way to far more complex games with many players, complex interfaces, and life-like graphics. In recent years, mobile electronic devices equipped with touch screens have emerged as an exciting new game platform, allowing multi-player games between distant people, using devices the players already own and carry for other purposes, and without requiring players to be playing at the same time. Many mobile devices come equipped with digital cameras, and taking and sharing photos between smart phones has become very popular. Similarly, internet social networks have emerged as a dominant digital-communication channel, and as a result games played on social network platforms can have hundreds of millions of users. Thus, there is a demand for multi-player interactive electronic games, particularly games for use with mobile device touch screens, with mobile device cameras, and/or with social networks.“Find the Difference” is a well-known game based on the careful analysis of pictures.

In a typical “Find the Difference” game, a Player is shown two side-by-side images with subtle differences between them, and must identify a number of variations between the two images to win the game. Electronic “find the difference” games using touch screens have found popularity as coin-operated pub games. Another game along the same lines “Which One is Different?” involves presenting the player a set of images which are all identical except for one, which is only slightly different. A player must identify which of the several images is different by making careful comparisons.

The popular Where's Waldo?® books and games feature a particular cartoon man carefully hidden in crowded, busy scenes. Players search for the hidden “Waldo” character image among hordes of colorful characters. Other games where players try to find objects listed in a word or picture bank hidden in a picture are known in both hard-copy and online versions.The above games have in common that they are normally provided as pre-fabricated games where the consumer only plays the “seeker” role, identifying differences in puzzles that are provided by the book publisher or game manufacturer. End-users of these games do not normally have the opportunity to create new games, such as by playing a “hider” role, or creating images and puzzles for their friends to analyze. Thus, a hide-and-seek image game where end users—including users without great artistic talent—can quickly and easily create games for other end users to play is desirable.Another disadvantage of conventional “find the difference” type games is that once a player has spotted the differences between pictures, determined which image is different from the rest of a set, or found Waldo™ hidden among a throng of characters, that puzzle or that page in the book will no longer be challenging or interesting for that player.

Thus, it would be advantageous to provide an image hide-and-seek game that this is not “used up” as players solve each puzzle.The above games also have in common that once a difference between pictures or objects is noticed, or once the Waldo™ character or other hidden item is spotted, it is generally obvious that the player has indeed found what they were looking for, and the game is over. There is no need to closely analyze the possible difference, its context, or other subtle aspects of the image because, once the difference is first spotted, it is a simple matter to compare the different objects or drawings to confirm that the difference is, indeed, different. Similarly, once a player notices the Waldo™ character hidden in a drawing, no further analysis is necessary to complete the game. Thus, a hidden-image game that requires close analysis of possible hidden images, such as considering context, shadows, scale, and other subtle clues, is desirable.U.S. 5,056,793 discloses a competitive picture identification game where players try to identify a partially concealed picture while progressively greater portions of the picture are revealed.U.S. 8,162,760 discloses a method and apparatus for providing gaming services to remote game players.U.S.

Patent Publication No. 20 describes a media recognition game which can be provided as a smart phone application with a graphical user interface. The game is provided on a smart phone application. The smart phone can download the application to play the media from the smart phone owner's device. In addition, the smart phone can be connected to a network interface for communicating with an online service such as the Google® Music, Rhapsody® or iTunes®. In operation, the application can retrieve media from the online service. In turn, a portion of the media can be played to the user.

In one embodiment, the media can be altered, for example, providing just lyrics or just music. The user can then provide, to the best of their ability, an identifier for the media. The application can determine whether the user's identifier is correct and display a proper message thereafter. SUMMARY OF THE INVENTIONIt is an object of the present invention to provide a pictorial hide-and-seek game where players create puzzles for other players to solve. It is a further object of the present invention to provide a game specially suited to mobile devices equipped with digital cameras touch screens and/or for use with social networking internet sites and photo hosting internet sites. It is also an object of the invention to provide a game where players can match their skill in photo editing against their ability to carefully analyze photographs.Accordingly, a general concept and preferred embodiments of an electronic pictorial hide-and-seek game where digital objects are hidden in real-world photographs is herein disclosed.The electronic game of the present invention is an improvement on the prior art pictorial searching games such as those described above.

Electronic Hide And Seek Game ScrubsElectronic hide and seek game

In a typical “Find the Difference” game, a Player is displayed 2 images side-by-side with subtle variations and is asked to identify a certain number of variations in the two images. This new game is more challenging and interesting on several levels, such as by having players create and hide images as part of the game, and by adding competitive and artistic aspects to the game. The new game is also more interesting because it asks players to identify “hidden” images without the opportunity to compare the original image. Players must find hidden objects based on context and subtle hints in the new image, or else must determine that all the objects in the drawing are original.The game is played between two opposing players, usually in a social environment. Picture games, puzzles, trivia and other games that involve the use of common sense always raises great interest amongst members of our society, as they provide a form of entertainment as well as intellectual stimulation. Furthermore, the desire amongst members of society to strive for a positive self-concept provides further motivation to play such games in social settings.This type of game has been technically and commercially possible only in recent years because it requires the following:.

1. Computational power to perform image manipulation in real-time using standard consumer electronics;. 2. Widespread availability of digital cameras, especially digital cameras embedded in mobile personal electronics; and. 3.

Widespread internet access so that players' devices can communicate easily with each other and with digital hosts.This game is ideal for playing electronically because it involves the manipulation of images, especially photographs, by players. The development and implementation of this game has only recently become practical due to developments in technology and to widespread social interaction over the internet. The processing power of “smart phones” has increased in tandem with the rising speed of 3G and 4G data networks. Many new mobile electronic devices, such as tablet computers and smart phones, are equipped with cameras and have internet connectivity, making them ideal game devices for the invention described herein.The various features of novelty which characterize the invention are pointed out with particularity in the claims annexed to and forming a part of this disclosure. For a better understanding of the invention, its operating advantages and specific objects attained by its uses, reference is made to the accompanying drawings and descriptive matter in which selected preferred embodiments of the invention are illustrated. BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE DRAWINGSIn the drawings:FIG. 1 is a diagram of a possible relationship of devices, users, and a host for implementing the game;FIG.

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2 is a block diagram of an electronic device for use with the game;FIG. 3 is a block diagram of a server for use with the game;FIG. 4 is a flow chart showing an example game play sequence;FIG. 5 is a simplified user interface for a player home screen;FIG.

It may work on a Home or Professional installation, but I have not tested this scenario.The script method is the practical solution for changing the product keys on a large number of machines. The registry editing method is outlined in Knowledge Base articles and and works on Windows XP Home, Windows XP Professional, and Windows XP Corporate Edition. None of the procedures described below will work without a legitimate product key.Two methods of changing Windows XP's product keyYou can change a Windows XP installation's product key either by editing the registry or by using one of two Windows Management Instrumentation (WMI) scripts. The script method is outlined in article and is designed to work on Corporate Edition installations that use a VLK and do not require activation. Win xp sp3 key changer tools. If the ID matches either of the two models commonly associated with VLK fraud, you’ll need to obtain a valid XP product key before proceeding.

6 is a screen displayed to a player for selecting a Base Image for creating a resulting game;FIG. 7 is a hider's game screen including a Base Image and buttons for adding Odjects and sending a finished resulting game to a finder;FIG. 8 is a hider interface for selecting Odjects to add to the Base Image, and three additional exemplary Odjects which could be used in the interface;FIG.

9 is a hider's game screen showing an Odject being rotated with respect to the Base Image;FIG. 10 is a hider's game screen showing an Odject being resized;FIG. 11 is a hider's game screen showing an Odject being repositioned on the Base Image;FIG. 12 is a hider's game screen showing an Odject being flipped over horizontally;FIG. 13 is a hider's game screen showing an Odject being flipped over vertically;FIG.

14 is a hider's game screen showing a Base Image and three Odjects hidden within the Base Image;FIG. 15 is a transformed resulting game;FIG.

16 is a seeker's game screen;FIG. 17 is a seeker's game screen after one of three hidden Odjects has been identified; andFIG. 18 is a result display at the conclusion of a game.

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